Random name picker wheel 2024

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{"cai_dat":"Settings","ma_nhung":"Embed","gon_gang":"Clean","tao_moi":"Create new","muc":"Entries","ket_qua":"Results","trao_doi":"Shuffle","sap_xep":"Sort","xoa_ket_qua":"Clear the list","ket_qua_quay":"The result","quay":"SPIN","chu_de":"Template","mau_chu_de":"Template","chu_de_cua_ban":"Yours","chu_de_co_san":"Starter","tuy_chon_nhac":"Music","bat_dau":"Start","ket_thuc":"End","tuy_chon_khac":"Others","thoi_gian":"Duration","ban_hoa_giay_khi_ket_thuc":"Confetti at the end","popup_ket_qua_voi_tieu_de":"Popup results with title","hien_thi_nut_xoa_o_nay":"Show \"Remove\" button","tuy_chon_nen":"Background","nen":"Background","luu_lai":"Save","reset_ve_mac_dinh":"Reset to default","binh_luan":"Comment","tat_tieng":"Mute","ngau_nhien":"Random","chiec_non_ky_dieu":"Spin 1","cuoi":"Laugh","vong_quay":"Spin 2","chuc_mung":"Congratulations","vo_tay":"Clap","vo_tay_pewpew":"Clap PewPew","de_che_chien_thang":"AOE win","de_che_thua_cuoc":"AOE lose","tieu_chuan":"Standard","ngan_hon":"Shorter","dai_hon":"Longer","dai_hon_nua":"More Longer","ban_da_quay_vao_o":"You have returned to","nhap_cac_muc_truoc_khi_quay":"Please input items first","co_ban_sao_luu_tu_dong":"Have an autosave version","khoi_phuc":"Restore","chua-tao_chu_de":"* You have not created your own template yet. To reuse it many times, you should save it as a template.","da_luu":"Saved","tao_chu_de_moi":"Create new template","nhap_ten_chu_de":"Enter template name","placeholder_hay_them_cac_muc":"Let's add 'items', one 'item' per line.","tren_ban_nhau":"On party","trua_nay_an_gi":"Whats for lunch?","ru_de_gai":"Inviting girls","chan_le":"even\/odd","ai_tra_tien":"Who pays?","nhan_pham":"Dignity","ten_ngau_nhien":"Random name","chu_cai":"Alphabet","chu_so":"Number","mau_sac":"Colors","bong_da":"Soccer","phan_thuong":"Reward","fashion":"Fashion","animal":"Animal","xoa_o_nay":"Remove","dong_lai":"Close","chia_se":"Share","hien_thi_zoom":"Display zoom-in\/out button","zoomin":"Zoom in","zoomout":"Zoom out","background_only_fullscreen":"Background only applies to fullscreen or embed","add_photo":"Add image","luu_thanh_chu_de":"Save as template","fullscreen_chua_ho_tro_hinh_anh":"- The fullscreen currently is not support image.\n- Click button \"'.getLabel('gon_gang').'\" to view wide screen.","xoa":"Clear","nguon":"Source"}
Random Name
Background only applies to fullscreen or embed
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Template: Random Name

What is the random name picker wheel for?

  • Random name picker in the classroom: This tool will help you pick a random student which will answer your next question.
  • Random name picker at work: Randomly choose someone to do something.
  • Naming: If you are wondering what to name your child or pet, spin this wheel to choose a random name from your list.
  • Pick a team leader: To randomly select one person to be the team leader, enter their names here and press the spin button.
  • Retailer: If you are a retailer, spin to randomly select loyal customers who will receive the gift.
  • In Workshop: spin to randomly select who will receive the reward.
  • ...etc...

* Note: You can create a list of names with Random Name Generator

How to use the random name picker wheel?

It's very easy: Enter a list of your names in the text box next to the wheel, then click on the wheel to spin and get a random name. You can see the results of previous spins by clicking on the results tab. To customize the start sound, end sound, spin duration, background image, Confetti, etc., click the settings button below the wheel. To create your own template, click the yours tab under the template section.

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Uống 1/2 ly~~Bên trái uống~~Thoát nạn (khỏi uống)~~Bên phải uống~~Chỉ ai đó uống~~Quay lại~~Được ăn mồi~~Uống 2 ly~~Tất cả cùng uống~~Tìm người uống cùng~~Uống 1 ly
Ăn Phở~~ Ăn Bún~~Gà KFC~~Gà Lotteria~~Gà 36~~Tokyo Deli~~Lẩu Gogi~~Isushi~~Sumo BBQ~~Phố ngon 37~~Kichi-Kichi~~Ba con cừu~~Shogun~~MANWAH~~HUTONG~~DARUMA~~Quay lại
Ôm rồi hôn~~Đi nhà nghỉ~~Về nhà ngủ~~Quay lại~~Ra công viên~~Ăn rồi ngủ~~Đi xem film~~Mua 2 trà sữa~~Mát xa cho em~~Chơi đuổi nhau~~Chơi chốn tìm
Bên phải~~Tên Cường~~Đeo kính~~Đối diện~~Bên trái~~Quay lại~~Nói nhiều~~Thằng quay~~Mồm to~~Vừa đi vệ sinh
Phẩm chất tốt~~Lối sống đồi bại~~Người trung thực~~Người nhân Ái~~Có trách nhiệm~~Suy đồi đạo đức~~Tham lam; dối trá~~Người thánh thiện~~Đang xuống dốc~~Xảo trá; lươn lẹo
A~~ B~~ C~~ D~~ E~~ F~~ G~~ H~~ I~~ J~~ K~~ L~~ M~~ N~~ O~~ P~~ Q~~ R~~ S~~ T~~ U~~ V~~ W~~ X~~ Y~~ Z
🇻🇳 Viet Nam~~🇹🇭 Thai Lan~~🇲🇾 Malaysia~~🇮🇩 Indonesia~~🇸🇬 Singapore~~🇱🇦 Lao~~🇰🇭 Campuchia~~🇵🇭 Philippines~~🇲🇲 Myanmar
💍 Ring~~📿 Necklake~~👙 Bikini~~👗 Dress~~👚 blouse~~👕 T-shirt~~👘 Kimono~~️🎽 Runing shirt~~👖 Jean~~👠 High heels~~👢 Boot~~👞 Man's shoe~~👒 Hat~~🎩 Top hat~~👑 Crown
😽 Cat~~🐶 Puppy~~🐰 Bunny~~🐹 Hamster~~🦊 Fox~~🐻 Bear~~🐼 Panda~~🐨 Koala~~🐯 Tiger~~🦁 Lion~~🐮 Cow~~🐂 Ox~~🐷 Pig~~🐸 Frog~~🐵 Monkey~~🦍 Gorilla~~🐺 Wolf~~🐑 Sheep~~🐐 Goat~~🐏 Ram~~🦌 Deer~~🐪 Camel~~🐎 Horse~~🐊 Croccodile~~🐢 Turtle~~🐬 Dolphin~~🦈 Shark~~🐋 Whale~~🦐 Shrimp~~🦀 Crab~~🐙 Octopus~~🦑 Squid~~🐜 Ant~~🕷️ Spider~~🐞 Ladybug~~🦋 Butterfly~~🐝 Bee~~🐌 Snail~~🐲 Dragon~~🦉 Owl~~🐔 Chicken~~🐓 Rooster~~🐧 Penguin~~🦇 Bat~~🦏 Rhino
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